There are many paths (உபாயங்கள் ) to reach god as per the traditional texts. But they are denounced as unsuitable to the nature of jeevathmaas (ஜீவாத்ம ஸ்வரூபம்). Even amongst people who have learned or at least heard scriptural references in Srivaishnavam, we see various distractions which cause such endeavors occurring regularly. Few examples - (1) settling in Srirangam in old age (a death in Srirangam is always associated with Moksham) - Even though they very likely have heard of Acharya Periya Nambi's episode related to this. (2) Doing various kainkaryams in divyadesams with a subtle thought that these would help in obtaining moksha and so on. (3) Even "right" actions and behavior that's appropriate and recommended for a prapanna sometimes becomes such an obsession that those actions themselves become more significant than the focus on Bhagavan's grace.(4) Charity and so on.....
Its clear that truly letting go of such self attempts is such a difficult state to attain.
And we are not even talking about the formal paths like Karma Yoga, Gnana Yoga and so on.
So lets look at a couple of examples of how Azhwars have spoken about this and concluded about grace.
First pasuram in reference from Thirukkurunthaandagam
Its clear that truly letting go of such self attempts is such a difficult state to attain.
And we are not even talking about the formal paths like Karma Yoga, Gnana Yoga and so on.
So lets look at a couple of examples of how Azhwars have spoken about this and concluded about grace.
First pasuram in reference from Thirukkurunthaandagam
Here azhwar details out how real yoga upasana is done. He states that by removing avidya, ego, desire, enmity and fear, by seated firmly, closing the eyes to focus on the tip of the nose, by controlling the senses, continuously thinking about bhagawan with love (தைலதாரா), can one ever realize and have the darshan of bhagwan? Though this is how sastraas prescribe, do they even realize that it is such an impossible task unless he shows himself due to grace. Even though the words suggest that they do realize bhagawan, azhwar actually questions if thats the case?
So what to do?
உலகம் ஏத்தும் கண்டியூர் அரங்கம் மெய்யம் கச்சி பேர் மல்லை என்று மண்டினார் !!
இப்படி திவ்யதேச அனுபவம் உடையவர்களுக்கே உய்வே தவிர மற்றவர்க்கு இல்லை !
Thondaradipodi Azhwar confirms the same as follows:
When he came running to save gajendra, all the folks who were performing penance and other devas / gods were so ashamed of their own attempts and were left wondering and wishing that they were caught in grip of a crocodile instead of those penances to receive such a grace
உன் கடைத் தலையிருந்து வாழும் சோம்பரை உகத்தி போலும் சூழ் புனலரங்கத்தானே!
So what to do?
உலகம் ஏத்தும் கண்டியூர் அரங்கம் மெய்யம் கச்சி பேர் மல்லை என்று மண்டினார் !!
இப்படி திவ்யதேச அனுபவம் உடையவர்களுக்கே உய்வே தவிர மற்றவர்க்கு இல்லை !
Thondaradipodi Azhwar confirms the same as follows:
When he came running to save gajendra, all the folks who were performing penance and other devas / gods were so ashamed of their own attempts and were left wondering and wishing that they were caught in grip of a crocodile instead of those penances to receive such a grace
He also refers as
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