In an old post I have referred to this song from Thirunedunthandagam of Thirumangai Azhwar referring to Dog/Stone, Lover etc. Having spent some time going over a summary of the traditional commentary, I was particular that I share my thoughts.
Each of the 4 sets of lines convey something very interesting. Very unique blend of Romanticism, philosophy and word play... since I am partial I can say this.. Who else than Kaliyan to do this?
The background goes like this. In the previous song, the Lord comes before Thirumangai Azhwar (who is now in his feminine form Parakala Nayaki) as Rama along with Lakshmana. I dont want to go into this song now as it deserves a separate post. Needless to say that the sheer appearance and beauty stuns Parakala Nayaki. She moves away from them wondering if they are verily the gods and is in awe!!
Then comes this song. Perumal is unsure of what to do now as Parakala nayaki is moving away, stunned by the sheer splendor. Instead of attracting the beautiful lady, it is causing her to move away. So he is frantic :-) "Nice piece of advice from Azhwar to attract ladies, I guess"
So Perumal thinks about this and decides that like in Krishna avatar, where he mesmerised everyone with his music, he decides to sing. Naivalam is a paNN (raga) which will melt both the singer and listener!! Upon hearing this Parakala Nayaki melts however using supreme effort controls herself from expressing her emotions (!). Perumal is stunned and he does not know what to do and is literally shamed into frantic thinking.
நாணினார் போல் இறையே நயங்கள்
So he starts talking with a view to convince her and does not understand what to say and ends up saying whatever (:-)). I guess ladies make even perumal like this!! Seeing this contradiction of such a majestic person ending up speechless liternally, Parakala Nayaki melts.
The choice of words in the traditional commentary is very interesting and funny.
The choice of words in the traditional commentary is very interesting and funny.
Now comes the most interesting piece...We always talk of Love at first "sight". Azhwar says மனமும் கண்ணும் ஓடி .. First his heart /mind (?) runs away followed by his sight!! Almost as if his heart knows who is standing before him and even though the sight has already seen him, his heart takes precedence. I guess this reflects the limitations of the physical senses in spirituality! Though the intent of Perumal is to hug Parakala Nayaki, she ends up prostrating to his feet
The next two lines are very special and my old post covers them. I just want to highlight another interesting piece. Typically when தலைவி is away from தலைவன் she suffers and becomes lean and so the bangles fall down :-). Here Parakala Nayaki is with the lord but still says கைவளையும் காணோமே. How is that explained? The commentary says that the Nayaki is overcome by happiness that she literally grows and the bangle shatters!!!
Last point before closing (from the previous post)... Here the bangle and cloth refers to Ahankara and Mamakara - feeling of me/myself and Mine - Parakala Nayaki says that to realize and see the lord, these two needs to disappear.
Rest later
The previous post
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