Friday, December 10, 2010

Indhalur Andhanan - Part VI (Special)

This is very special. Azhwar is forced to convey to the all knowing perumal as to who azhwar is and whether is perumal is treating him as others!

Perumal responds but in a way that Azhwar did not expect. He asks Azhwar. "Dont you know that you need to wait till the Master responds? You did acknowledge that I am the Supreme Master and you are my servant. So how can you force me to do something instead of just accepting what I say or do? This does not fit your nature and status?"

Azhwar replies beautifully. He asks Perumal "I did not want to convey what I know. But I have no choice now"
( சொல்லா தொழியகில்லேன் அறிந்த சொல்லில் ). Did you think this servant of yours is similar to the millions and millions of your other servants?

Here comes the highlight and the most fantastic aspect of this pasuram. நும் அடியார் எல்லாரோடும் ஒக்க எண்ணியிருத்தீர் அடியேனை  - Azhwar includes even the divine mother here!!! In Ramayana Piratti (Sita Devi) was willing to stay away from the Lord for 30 more days (as said to Hanuman) for Perumal to remove Ravana. Dont you realize that unlike her, this servant cant stay alive for even one minute without you.

நல்லார் அறிவீர் தீயார் அறிவீர் - You know your servants who cannot stay without you and you know those who can perfectly stay without you.

இவ்வுலகத்தில் எல்லாம் அறிவீர் ஈதே அறியீர் - You know everything in this world except my nature!!

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