Despite requesting so much there is no response from Perumal. So Azwar says as water never evaporates totally from the ocean, it appears that sympathy/pity never comes to you. Is it fair for you to kill me like this? Can you not come down a little bit? (அடியேற்கு இறையும் இரங்காயே )
சிந்தை தன்னுள் நீங்காதிருந்த திருவே - Azhwar says that Perumal has come inside his mind out of his causeless mercy (நிர்ஹேதுக க்ருபை). Was it done just to make Azhwar suffer like this? If the objective was to ignore why come into Azhwar's mind? If he had not entered Azhwar's mind, Azhwar would not be suffering like this. திருவே - Though Thiru refers to Thayaar Mahalakshmi, here Azhwar is thinking of திருவுக்கும் திருவாகிய செல்வா (refer தேரழுந்தூர் pasurams).
மருவினிய மைந்தா - Though you dont come to my physical (visual) senses, my mind is comprehending you and that is sweet. How can you take that away?
In the first sentence, Azhwar refers to perumal as the one who has presence in his mind without ever leaving. This immediately triggers the memory of Tiruvali perumal where perumal entered his mind. Due to this pleasant experience, he immediately refers to Tiruvindalur perumal as அந்தண் ஆலி மாலே!
சோலை மழ களிறே - Perumal is like an elephant calf who grew within a lush garden. It is also referring to திரு மாலிரும் சோலை .
நந்தா விளக்கின் சுடரே - A Light as a metaphor for ஞானஸ்வரூபமான Perumal. A light without the oil, wick and smoke and with just the brilliance.
நறையூர் நின்ற நம்பி - The Srinivasa perumal at Nachiyar koil.
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