We reach Tirunagari temple from Tiruvali. We were acquainted with a lot of senior, respected people there. Fortunately for us, some of them were there in the temple and welcomed us inside.
It was one of the festival days and so Tirumangai Azhwar (Urchava moorthy) was outside his sanctum along with the ever present Kumudhavalli nachiyaar. Specially for us, a long aarthi was performed with the Vadivazhagu Choornikai. Despite my so called intellect and arrogance, I had to shed a drop! It was unbelievable but true. It might not be out of place to say that I had never had such an experience. I was bowled over that day and it continues now almost 7 years later.
To cut the story short, I started frequenting Tiruvali/Tirunagari. I built up a small house in Tiruvali (the construction was done in 3 months time! scope for another blog exclusively for this). During one of the visits, there was a uthsavam in Tirunagari. Azhwar and Perumal were in procession with Divyaprabandha adyapaka goshti. I was following them. One of the temple Sthalathar swami was distributing Goshti Sambavanai (monetary honorarium). He gave a five rupee note to me as well. I tried to refuse saying that I should not be given one. He smiled and said "Think of this as a seed that Azhwar is sowing"!!
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